Monday, November 8, 2010
The Cure for Cancer
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to preach on a Sunday morning while the pastors were out of town. I preached a message called Superhumans about knowing our true identity and unleashing our powers to save a lost and dying world (or something like that...get the CD for the full message). After the worship team sang "Healer" by Hillsong, I was inspired to have people minister healing to each other and had those who needed healing in their bodies raise their hands. I asked those around them to minister to them. I also had people who didn't feel comfortable raising their hands to place their hands on themselves where the pain or sickness was and I began commanding healing to come and various sicknesses to leave. I remember speaking specifically to cancer and tumors and other maladies. We got an e-mail a week and a half later from a lady who had been diagnosed with cancer. She did as instructed and then went home after the service feeling a little ill. Later that week she had an appointment with a doctor who was planning to surgically remove all of the cancer that he could. After examining her and running various tests, he came back in the room and exclaimed, "I don't know what happened, but the cancer is GONE!" Praise God for being the ULTIMATE cancer cure!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
PNatey (30 yrs) - As a youth pastor, I often get the opportunity to speak for chapel services at various Christian schools or clubs. I was at Hope Christian School for their second chapel service of the school year and I had a specific message for them about being a witness through the Show and Tell Gospel based on Jesus' words in Acts 1:8 and what he meant by the word witness. The gospel is meant to be told and demonstrated through the divine seal of miracles and supernatural gifts. After the message, I told them we'd have a demonstration. Little did they know that they would be the ones demonstrating my message. By the word of knowledge, I called out those with neck pain. There were 3 students who came forward for healing in this area. I called for 3 students who believed my message was true and were willing to pray for those who had come forward for healing. Three brave students stepped up and I coached them through working a miracle. All 3 students were healed instantly. We continued to have a variety of instant healings including a girl with ringing in her right ear, a guy with heart problems who was told he'd need surgery within the year or there'd be a 50% chance he'd die, a girl with pain in her knee and a guy with two sprained fingers. All of these students were healed through other students who were bold enough to step out of their comfort zone and minister to their peers. Praise God for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Welcome to the Family
Stephen (14 yrs)- I asked Christ into my life only a couple of months ago and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit even more recently than that. As you can imagine, I was super excited for the outreaches Good News Church was having. I hardly ever missed a meeting during the first two weeks of IMPACT but this particular day stuck out to me. Wesley and I were at East Augusta Commons when we met two ladies and several children standing on a porch. Wesley presented the gospel and both women were saved. However when one of the ladies started walking, I noticed that she was in a great deal of pain. She explained that she had arthritis in her knee. After we told her about the miracle of God's healing power, I laid hands on her and spoke to the arthritis. She was a little wetook authority over the disease again and the pain in her knee was completely gone. She was as excited as I was! Earlier I said that this particular day stuck out to me and that's because that this incident was MY first healing miracle. The fact that I am still a young christian doesn't mean I can do anything less than anyone else in my new church family. The same power flowing through them flows through me too. I'm looking forward to giving more life to others; there are more miracles to come!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Fearless Persistence
Wesley (16yrs.) - One day, in Harrisburg, I was with Rebekah and Elizabeth. We spotted 6 people standing outside an apartment complex. By the time we made our way to the apartments the number of people in the group had grown. As I started presenting the gospel story everyone left except for three people. I was determined to talk to the ones who went inside, so I went to the door on the left and found a few of the people that had disappeared when I was talking. I continued with the gospel story. Then, I walked to the door on the right where the rest of the group had gone. There were maybe five people but one was already saved. They all listened as I presented the gospel for the second time. Elizabeth and Rebekah were still ministering to the ones who stayed outside. All nine of them prayed the prayer of Salvation and knew with confidence that they were going to go to heaven when they died. I thought it was awesome that because I was persistent seven people accepted Christ. Sometimes it is hard to get people to listen in a group setting, but you just have to step out in boldness and be persistent.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A Simple Prayer
Harry (14 yrs) - I came to the end of a row of apartments and saw a group of people between the woods and apartment building. I talked to them and asked if they needed prayer for anything. They said, like many people have told us, to pray for anything because everybody needs prayer. I said a simple prayer and in the middle of praying, I said, "in the name of Jesus, any pain and sickness, I command you to go and I command these bodies to be healed and whole!" The lady whose hand I was holding said that she had broken her leg the week before. She said that before the prayer she was in a lot of pain, but after the prayer her leg was better and she stood up and walked on it. I didn’t even know before I prayed that she was in any pain. That was cool!
Miracle Stairmaster
Harry (14 yrs) - I was with Jason and Kayla at Allen Homes. We chased down this lady who was taking out her trash. She had arthritis in her knees and couldn’t walk up and down her stairs. We laid hands on her and commanded the pain to go, then told her to act on her faith. We had her running up and down her stairs without holding the rail. She was very excited and praising God that her knees were healed instantly!
Give Me That Walker!
Bubba (17 yrs) - -I was with Jessica S., and Lydia. We were walking next to a Boys and Girls Club building in one of the neighborhoods when Jessica S. got a woman saved. The lady asked us if we would come and pray with some of her friends that were sitting on the porch. One lady had a broken leg and had to have a walker to get around. We laid hands on her and prayed. We told her to do what she couldn’t get up and walk. I grabbed the walker myself and she walked across the porch and back and was yelling and thanking God because she couldn't do that before. After that, she and her friend both prayed the prayer of salvation.
Give Me That Cane!
Jessica (15 yrs) - I was with Shelby and we ran into a guy named George who had arthritis in one leg. He said he was already saved. He was walking with a cane in downtown Augusta. We asked him if he believed in healing and he said “Yea of course I believe God can heal me.” Shelby and I laid hands on his leg in the name of Jesus. We took his cane from him and told him to do something he couldn’t do before. He started jogging and left with cane tucked up under his arm!
Grayson (13 yrs) - -I was with Jessi, Tori, and Wesley. We met a lady who was already saved. She had a cane and said she had rheumatoid arthritis in her leg, knee, and calf. If she walked any distance without her cane she would fall. We prayed with her and then walked with her ¼ mile around the walking track without cane. She was completely healed!
Grayson (13 yrs) - -I was with Jessi, Tori, and Wesley. We met a lady who was already saved. She had a cane and said she had rheumatoid arthritis in her leg, knee, and calf. If she walked any distance without her cane she would fall. We prayed with her and then walked with her ¼ mile around the walking track without cane. She was completely healed!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Deaf Ears Unstopped!
Harry (14 yrs) - I was at Harrisburg. I came up to this older guy who was probably in his 70’s. His name was Albert. I started talking to him and noticed he had bad hearing. I had trouble talking to him about healing because he couldn’t hear me. I laid hands on him and there was a little improvement. Then I laid hands on him again and commanded the deafness to go. Suddenly, he was able hear me! I presented the gospel and he prayed the prayer of salvation.
Blind Eyes Opened!
Jessica (15 yrs) - Shelby and I were in downtown Augusta and came across a guy named Bob. He was legally blind and had a guide and stick to help him get around. We talked to him about salvation and led him and his guide (William) in the prayer of salvation. Then we asked him about his eyes. He said he could see shapes but not see anything clearly. He had on sunglasses. We spoke over his eyes and told them to clear up. He removed his sunglasses and could read the words “Camp Overflow 2010” on Shelby’s t-shirt.
Wobbly Legs Strengthened!
Tori (18 yrs) - I was in East Augusta Commons with Miss Janie. We came across a woman on her porch, holding on to a post. Her legs were wobbling. She told us she had to use a walker to walk or she would collapse. I shared that Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were sick and He sent us to do the same. I asked her if she wanted to be free of that walker, she declared, "More than anything!" I encouraged her to do something she couldn’t do before. Her legs started to wobble even more. After I laid hands on her I asked her what was going on with her and she said her legs felt lighter and normally they would feel heavy and painful. I told her that when Jesus prayed for someone they acted out their faith by doing something they couldn’t do before. We went inside and she held my hand and I told her to walk. She started to take a step and I let go of her hand and she started to parade around her living room with hands lifted high praising God. I than asked her if she knew she was going to heaven when she died; she said no. I shared the gospel quickly with her and she prayed the prayer of salvation. She was very grateful!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Residual Miracle
PNatey (30 yrs) - As a youth pastor and leader in the body of Christ, I have the unique mission of empowering young people to give life as they are bold witnesses for Christ. And I'm honored to write that the mission is happening! Praise God for students who are unashamed and fearless when it comes to reaching people. One day I was out with a number of students in Dogwood Terrace. We came across a large group of people (about 30) and we all split off to talk to folks and minister to them. I cornered a couple of older ladies and asked them if they needed prayer. One of them asked me to pray for a rison that she had under her arm. It had caused her pain for several weeks and would not go away. I spoke to the pain and commanded it to leave...and it did! She was so ecstatic. Immediately after I prayed, the other lady said, "Wow! My headache is gone, too!" That's what we call a residual miracle! I didn't even pray specifically for her, but the power of God flowed through her as well. They were both excited about what God had done and accepted Christ as their Savior right on the spot.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Clayton (20 yrs)- I made my way over to a house, where a man was sitting on his porch reading. I approached him, introduced myself, and offered prayer. He asked for prayer for his family and for healing. he suffered from constant pain due to arthritis in both hands and was unable to straighten his hands or make a fist. I layed my hands on his, and prayed for healing. I prayed a total of three times and each time I asked "How do they feel?" He tried to move his hands and told me that the pain was getting better. I proceeded to explain to him about Jesus but he stopped me to say, "I don't feel any pain in my hands." He stretched out his hands and clenched them into fists. After witnessing his own healing, he was thoroughly open to what I had to tell him about the gospel and I was able to lead him in the prayer of salvation.
Fire Ants
Jason- My team and I were in Harrisburg, when I noticed a man walking down the street with what appeared to be blisters all over his arms. When I asked him about it, he explained that the "blisters" were actually fire ants bites. He said the doctors had given him some prescription steriods to dry the poison out, but they had no affect. With his consent, I prayed for the healing of his arms. I said "amen" and opened my eyes; the bites were gone! The man was shocked and speechless. He then gave me a hug and went on his way.
The Unexpected
Cathy LaMunion- I met a named Chris on Saturday, July 17. I led him to his Savior, Jesus, in prayer thinking that I would never see him again; resting assured that he was saved!
However, one week later our paths crossed again and I knew immediately something was different about him. I confronted him and had to press him to share the difference with me. he proceeded to tell me that since he accepted Jesus, he had not been out clubbing or to any bars. the desire was gone! I had the opportunity to pray with him again; but this time about getting a job. I encouraged him to keep believing that God was going to take care of him. I can't wait to see him again and here him testify about the great job that I know the Lord has given him.
However, one week later our paths crossed again and I knew immediately something was different about him. I confronted him and had to press him to share the difference with me. he proceeded to tell me that since he accepted Jesus, he had not been out clubbing or to any bars. the desire was gone! I had the opportunity to pray with him again; but this time about getting a job. I encouraged him to keep believing that God was going to take care of him. I can't wait to see him again and here him testify about the great job that I know the Lord has given him.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Goals for Souls
Grayson (13 yrs.)- At the beginning of the summer I set a goal to lead 100 people to Christ. However, I ended up increasing that number to 300 after the first round of IMPACT. There was alot of pressure on me to complete this goal, not only from others, but from myself. Three hundred is a huge number, especially when there are people who are already saved, a different religion, or just don't care.
Being 13 years old, it was hard to be taken seriously, especially in large group settings. I had always been nervous about sharing the gospel in front of a crowd, but during IMPACT I overcame this fear.
The first time I spoke in front of a crowd, people weren't paying attention. Out of pure frustration I raised my voice to where they could hear me over the noise. My fear was gone; God gave me the courage to share the gospel and ultimately lead 14 people in the Prayer of Salvation.
From then on, everytime there was a large crowd, I was the elected speaker. Despite my fear, God used me, and continues to use me, to reach multiple people at a time. As a result of this God-given courage, I easily met my goal.
Being 13 years old, it was hard to be taken seriously, especially in large group settings. I had always been nervous about sharing the gospel in front of a crowd, but during IMPACT I overcame this fear.
The first time I spoke in front of a crowd, people weren't paying attention. Out of pure frustration I raised my voice to where they could hear me over the noise. My fear was gone; God gave me the courage to share the gospel and ultimately lead 14 people in the Prayer of Salvation.
From then on, everytime there was a large crowd, I was the elected speaker. Despite my fear, God used me, and continues to use me, to reach multiple people at a time. As a result of this God-given courage, I easily met my goal.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
God's Miracle Power
Jessica (15 yrs.)- Lindsey and I came across a woman in Cherry Tree. After leading her into salvation, we asked if she had any pain in her body. She told us that she had pain in her right knee and had difficulty moving it. We explained God's Miracle Power and, with her permission, laid hands on her knee and told the pain to go in the name of Jesus. By the time we left, the pain was completely gone.
-My team and I were driving through Governor's Place when we passed a woman walking her dog. I jumped out of the car to minister to her. I began to ask her questions and soon discovered that she was suffering from a severe back problem that caused her alot of pain. She had endured nine surgeries yet could find no relief. As a believer, she understood God's Miracle Power and was open to my laying hands on her. The first time I prayed, most of the pain vanished except for one area on her lower back. I prayed a second time, and she fully recieved her healing.
-My team and I were driving through Governor's Place when we passed a woman walking her dog. I jumped out of the car to minister to her. I began to ask her questions and soon discovered that she was suffering from a severe back problem that caused her alot of pain. She had endured nine surgeries yet could find no relief. As a believer, she understood God's Miracle Power and was open to my laying hands on her. The first time I prayed, most of the pain vanished except for one area on her lower back. I prayed a second time, and she fully recieved her healing.
Taking Authority
Rebekah (13 yrs.)- During the second round of IMPACT, I had the opportunity to pray for my mom, who had been dealing with some stomach issues. Any amount of pressure caused her great pain and she was unable to sleep peacefully. The pain had become so unbearable that one night, as I was leaving for church, she asked me to lay hands on her. As a believer she already knew that God would heal her. I took authority over the pain in her body and commanded it to go in Jesus' name. The pain fled, and she no longer had trouble sleeping.
Bold as a Lion
Lindsey (13 yrs.)- I've done some pretty daring things on outreach, but one of the most memorable situations was the time that Shelby and I were ministering in Harrisburg. We spotted a woman sitting on her porch. As we got closer, we noticed that she was on the phone. Boldly, we interrupted her conversation, and as Shelby spoke to the woman in front of us, I asked if I could speak to the person on the phone. Not only did I lead her in the prayer of Salvation, I had the opportunity to pray for her financial situation, without ever seeing her face. It's amazing how God can use you if you're willing to step out of your comfort zone.
Talk to Me!
Courtney (19 yrs.)- While I was doing "drive-bys" in Harrisburg, I met a man named Anthony with a speech impediment. I spoke with him for a minute and convinced him to give his life to God. But I wasn't finished with him just yet. I knew God wanted to heal him of his stuttering, so I asked if I could lay hands on him. He agreed, and after praying with him I told him to test his faith. Funny thing was, the only way to test it was to continue talking to me. As he began to speak I noticed that his stutter was gone. God cares so much about us that nothing is too small to overlook; not even a stutter.
The Benefit Package
Shelby (13 yrs. old)- My summer goal was to get someone out of a wheelchair, and during the second round of IMPACT, I was able to do this. My team and I were ministering in Harrisburg, when we ran into Antonio and his friend Ashley. Antonio was suffering from a misaligned spine, and was unable to walk or stand. Although he was a believer, he understood very little about God's healing power. I took the liberty to explain more about the healing benefit package that he had as a Christian. After getting his permission, my team was able to lay hands on him. Immediately he told us,"I feel as though God has touched me." I asked him to test his faith and do what he could not do before. For the first time in many years, he was able to move his legs and stand up. I'll never forget the smile on his face as he continued to recieve his benefit package of healing.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Man's Bestfriend Raised Up
Harry (14 yrs. old) -- I was out with Jason last year during the outreaches, and we came upon a porch occupied by a woman named Wanda with a twenty-three year old dog who needed prayer. Wanda had spent the last 2 years carrying this dog around because it could not walk under its own strength-- it had arthritis. We prayed for the dog and it was instantly healed! It walked for the first time in 2 years! Wanda began to cry, and we then explained the Gospel to her and she received Jesus. Her son was also on the porch and we had prayed with him for a car that he needed, so I explained faith to him and told him to act like he had a car.
Jason saw Wanda again this year, he asked about the dog and it's still alive and healthy! There was also a car in the front of the house, it was her son's.
Jason saw Wanda again this year, he asked about the dog and it's still alive and healthy! There was also a car in the front of the house, it was her son's.
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